Justin J. DeCotiis
Office hours: After school Monday – Friday until 3:30pm, unless specified
Homework 10%
Tests 20%
Quizzes 10%
Lab 10%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 20%
Participation 10%
Homework will generally be given every other day. Homework will stress specific areas that you should focus on when studying for exams. Homework will include: definitions, word problems, research, and reading. Homework will either be submitted online or in class (I will specify when I want something submitted online or in class)
A test will be given upon the completion of each unit. Tests will normally be given every other Friday, unless specified and will focus on the important information covered in class. I will also post online, a study guide that you should follow. The study guide is meant to guide you, not teach you the information. If you do the homework and take notes in class, you should do well. I give tests in order to measure how much you have learned in each unit, so that I know if I need to cover something again.
Quizzes will be given at the start of class on Monday. They will cover the readings that you had for homework over the weekend. Quizzes will be 10 multiple choice questions.
The lab component of my class is very important. Lab will be based not on your results but on your ability to stay on task, think creatively, and try your best! At the end of each lab there will be a brief write up, I will give you more information about the write up as the first lab approaches. Labs are meant to be fun and interesting, the knowledge you learn in class will apply to what you are doing in lab. During lab you are expected to adhere to all the safety procedures that are posted in the front of the room. I will go over all the safety precautions you need to take before the lab begins. I will take 10% off of your grade if you do not adhere to t safety precautions for the lab.
The midterm exam will be given in the middle of the course (around December). The midterm will focus on the MAIN topics covered in class. I will post a study guide for the midterm. If you can explain all of the topics on the study guide, you will do well, don’t stress. I will also give you hints throughout the marking period letting you know if something is very important, which means, KNOW IT.
Final Exam:
The final exam will be a non cumulative exam, thus it is more like a second midterm exam. I will give out a study guide for final exam, if you study, you will do well.
Participation in my class is key to your success in Biology. I expect each of you to participate daily. Your participation grade will come from presentations (optional), raising your hand, asking thought provoking questions, and through discussions we will be having throughout the semester. Remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers, if you are having trouble with anything please ask!
I expect each of you to attend class. You should arrive on time to class 9:00 am. If I notice that you are absent a significant amount, unexcused, then I will be forced to call home and notify the front office as well. In addition if you are tardy more than 3 times in one week you will be given detention. Detentions are on Friday at the end of the day and last 1 hour.
Missing Assignments
Assignments that are missed can be made up for 90% credit the next day. Each day after your grade on that assignment will drop an additional 10%, I will not accept assignments 4 days late. If you miss a test you need to come see me to discuss it, this applies to tests and exams! If you know you’re going to miss an assignment please come see me so we can discuss it. Remember that homework and participation are big factors of your grade, they should be the easiest points in the class, so make the most of them.
Office Hours:
I have office hours after school every day including Friday. They are meant to help you, so please come see me if you have questions about the course or about biology in general. Enjoy the class and stay focused!